Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus (Jogjakarta)

Hello!! I’m back 🙂

I think it’s been a week since I haven’t update my blog, right?!

Well this is it! I really wanted to talk about several things in here, first one as my promise before, I will talk about “AYAM GEPUK PAK GEMBUS” (as I write drools came out from my mouth :p) and the second one I will talk about the skin care product that I am about to use called “KIEHL’S” but I think I will write it on my next post heheh 😀

Well here we go!


You can read the history and check out the location of their branch in here :

Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus Jogjakarta

Introduction (In Bahasa) :

” AYAM GEPUK sambel bawang PAK GEMBUS “

– Lahir     : Oktober 2013

– Owner  : Rido Nurul Adityawan (Pak Gembus)

– Creator : Owner

Kami adalah kuliner dengan menu utama Ayam Goreng pertama dengan sajian berbeda dengan menu ayam goreng yang sudah ada sebelumnya.

Ayam Gepuk sambel bawang “Pak Gembus” merupakan perpaduan ayam goreng pedas manis dengan “sambel bawang” segar (mentah). Sajiannya sangat sederhana dan sangat menggugah selera para penggila pedasnya sambel.

Tag line:

  1. Tentukan Sendiri Pedasmu : pelanggan dapat menentukan berapa jumlah cabe yang pelanggan inginkan.
  2. Anda Pedas Kami Puas : target kita adalah pecinta pedas, dan ketika pelanggan merasakan pedasnya dan nikmatnya sambel kita, itulah kepuasan kita.


Here’s the menu :


12976170_1117189951665913_2080070151_nMenu dan Harga Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus Jogjakarta (source: Google)

Now, I am going to talk about the chicken and the “sambal” or sauce that they made here.

They will cut the chicken and fry it as usual but then they will press or they will hit it (I don’t really know) so that it will become flat, that’s why they called it GEPUK. The chicken is big enough for one person and the most important thing is it is CRUNCHYYYY !


They have a very unique “sambal” which is made by chilly, raw onions and nuts. And it’s really addictive !!! YUM !!

Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus (source: Google)


In here, you can request which spicy level you want (original, medium (spicy), spicy) 😀

I like to order medium spicy because the last time I ordered spicy it was too spicy I can’t concentrate on anything LOL, sweats all over my body and LITERALLY can’t focus HAHA !! But for you guys who loves SPICINESS you must try the SPICY one, like seriously the SPICY one !! You won’t regret it !! 😀

And also in here you are allowed to refill the rice and the “sambal” for FREE !! (good news for people who are sooo hungry LOL)

Oh and by the way, for cabbage lovers, you can order fried cabbage (free) and for those of you who haven’t try fried cabbage yet then YOU MUST TRY IT because the taste of the cabbage is realllyyyy  GOOD, it’s sweet and it’s also crunchy………….. BOOM!! Imagine that!! 😀

So, this is what I usually order :

Ayam Gepuk Dada Medium Spicy (breast) > Rp. 14.000

Nasi Biasa (white rice) > Rp. 3.000

Kol Goreng (fried cabbage) > FREE

Es Teh Manis (sweet ice tea) > Rp.3000

So I only pay Rp. 20.000 for all (and I can actually refill the rice and “sambal” 8) ) and you know what ?? It’s literally CHEAP !! 😀

For those of you who haven’t try it yet, GET UP AND GO !! I really recommend you to try this food because it is really DELICIOUS and once you try it, you will be addicted like heroine and you will go back to AYAM GEPUK PAK GEMBUS for more !!

Well hope this information helps you !!

Please leave comments, suggestions or any other updates about Ayam Gepuk Pak Gembus.

Thanks for reading and see you on my next post !! 😀


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